
Schedule Booking

Schedule Banner

  • Schedule your pickup in a few hours or up to 30 days in advance.
  • For an optimal experience, we recommend 24 hours in advance.
  • If you have trouble getting assigned a driver, our CS will assist you 24/7.


  • Clock menu will default to the earliest available time for your vehicle.
  • Earliest pickup times will vary by vehicle and city.
  • Benefit from our on-time arrival guarantee (within 30 min of schedule).


When you quick book, you receive Deliveree’s famous standard service package. Click below to learn what’s included in our standard service package:


Our app will tally your price once you select your vehicle, time type, and addresses in step 1. Your price is displayed in the gray box at the bottom of the screen as well as in the price summary on step 3. Also on step 3, you will have the chance to review your booking and price before confirming.


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